Name and Title: John Figueroa, Senior Project Manager About your Role at Configero: My role is to provide the highest level of quality services to the clients incorporating my past experiences along with the Configero way. What attracted you to Configero: Working alongside the Configero Team as a client allowed me to experience first-hand the […]

Did You Know?

Configero has 2 full force certified solutions and a master certification in forecasting. The Full Force Masters Program recognizes the most seasoned firms with a track record of successful projects — validated by a survey administered directly by Salesforce.

Meet Configero’s own Kim Schaefges at Mid West Dreamin’

Chicago, Illinois: Kim Schaefges, Senior Business Analyst, will be speaking at Salesforce Midwest Dreamin’ Conference in Chicago, Illinois. Her presentation will explain Visual Workflow, using only a backpack and pencil case. Kim is a 6X certified Consultant with over 400+ Trailhead badges completed. If you or your clients are heading to Midwest Dreamin’ this […]

Mckee Family Bakery moving to Salesforce 

Chattanooga, Tennessee:  Mckee Family Bakery, producers of Little Debbie iconic favorites like, Zebra Cakes and Swiss Rolls have decided to move to the Salesforce platform with the help of Configero. The initial deployment will help their sales team to better serve and manage their distributors and also includes Shield Encryption with hopes for expansion into […]