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Welcome to the the Summer 2015 Configero Grid Platform Release Notes. The goal of this document is to provide descriptions of new and updated functionality as it relates to our Grid Platform.

Welcome to the the Summer 2015 Configero Grid Platform Release Notes. The goal of this document is to provide descriptions of new and updated functionality as it relates to our Grid Platform.

Summer ’15 Upgrade Instructions:

To upgrade your Data Loader and/or Grid and miniGRID applications, please follow the steps below:

  1. Login to your Salesforce environment (if you are logging into your sandbox, please change the “login” to “test” in the URL)
  2. Download the Summer ’15 Release of the Data Loader (install for all users*)
  3. Download the Summer ’15 Release of the Grid and/or miniGRID (install for all users*)
  4. To remove the new Salesforce App, please find the instructions in this section: New Grid App (removing from Profiles*) 
  5. If you have any Grid/miniGRID customizations, we strongly recommend that you upgrade in your Sandbox to test prior to upgrading in Production

*Please note: We recommend to choose the “Install for All Users” security option. This will allow the provisioning and usage of the Grid/miniGRID to be much easier; however, if you do not want your users to see the Grid App or any of the tabs, you will have to remove them from the users profile.

Follow the same instructions for any new install as well.

The Grid as a Platform

We have built our Grid technology as a platform, much like Salesforce has built a platform. The goal of our product is to create a simple and streamlined user experience right out-of-the-box while allowing for nearly unlimited customizations.

Our out-of-the-box products will allow users to be able to:

  • Sort and filter on multiple columns in real time
  • Inline update on single records or complete a mass update on multiple records
  • Handle more than 200 records
  • View more than 15 columns of data
  • Real time subtotaling and totaling
  • Grouping functionality at multiple levels
  • View Related records in a side panel
  • Customize a Query Panel for each object

What we are most proud of is that this is just the start to what our platform can do. We have been able to customize this for our customers to:

  • Create Grid templates to allow for standard and/or custom
    • Opportunity Management
    • Forecasting Management
    • Case Management
    • Lead Management
    • Billing Management
  • Create Filtered views by Profile, Role, and User attributes
  • Create a 100% Native PSA (Professional Service Automation) App – Project Pulse
  • Integrate other  Salesforce applications through custom buttons

Please feel free to contact us about any ideas or use cases that you have and we will be more than happy to be part of that discussion.

And now, our Summer 2015 Release Notes.

Summer ’15 Product Updates

Grid Specific Updates

Shift-click for multi-record selection

This allows users to multi-select records with the familiar “Shift + Click”. To use this feature:

  • Click on the checkbox where you would like to start
  • Shift +Click on the checkbox where you would like to end
  • Notice all records in between are no w highlighted

Ownership Checkbox Feature in QP Wizard

When building a custom Query Panel through the Wizard, we have added a checkbox that allows Ownership filters to be displayed.

The standard filters are:

  • My Owned (User)
  • My Created
  • My Managed Owners (User)
  • All Owners/Creators

The filter option will be on the left side of the Query Panel and does not count as a column.

How to set this in the Query Panel Wizard:

Properties Panel


Query Panel

Help Button added to the toolbar

We have added a help button that will display a pop-up of all the buttons on the toolbar with a description of the button’s functionality. This button is found at the very end of the toolbar (after the Template Name section or after the last button). We have added this button to:

  • The Query Panel Toolbar
  • The Results Panel Toolbar
  • The Record Details Toolbar (once a Relationship is defined)

This help button looks like: Help Button.

When a user clicks on the button, this is an example of what is displayed:

Help Window

*Note – if your Salesforce Org has any custom buttons, the help button will still work. Any custom button will be displayed on the help menu.

Grid Memory

The Grid will remember the last object you select and saved query template that has been run (if applicable) This will allow users to navigate away from the Grid and when the user selects the Grid tab again, it will remember the last object selected and automatically run the last saved query template.

Removed the ID label from lookup fields

In the previous versions of the Grid/miniGrid, any lookup field column name would be appended with ID. However, the ID was not displayed and it was the record name. We have removed the word ID from any lookup field column name to avoid any confusion.

ID Removed

Renaming of the Grid Sections

We have renamed two of the three sections of the Grid to be more intuitive.


In addition to renaming each section, we have also renamed a few of the Objects for greater clarity.

Grid Template

Application for the Grid/Data Loader

To allow the Grid and Data Loader to be easily accessed, we have created an Application to access Grid/Data Loader specific tabs.

We have also included a tab for Grid Support and Data Loader Support and added new logos (which will be seen in the Tab menu).

Grid Application:

Grid Application

Checking a group selects all records within the group

Previously, when a user would checkbox a group, it would not checkbox any records within the group. With the new release when a user checkboxes a group, all records within the group will be checked. This will lead to improved mass updates and exports.

Default Query Templates for Standard Objects

For this release we have created default Query Templates for Standard Objects. The objects that now have default templates are:

  • Account
  • Asset
  • Campaign
  • CampaignMember
  • Case
  • Contact
  • Contract
  • Event
  • Lead
  • Opportunity
  • OpportunityLineItem
  • Order
  • OrderItem
  • Product2
  • Quote
  • QuoteLineItem
  • ServiceContract
  • Task
  • User

Child Object Filter in QP Wizard

With the Summer 15 release, we have added the ability to add filter fields based on children objects within the Query Panel Wizard. We have called this “Drill Down” and it will be auto-populated with any child object. The filter will also display how the child object is related, so if there are multiple relationships the user will be able to select the appropriate one.

An example use case of this would be, “I want to filter Accounts based on Opportunities that are Closed Won.” To do this:

  • Go to the Query Panel
  • Click Go
  • Click on Query Panel Wizard
  • Select the Account Object as the Primary Object
  • Select the Opportunity Object (with the AccountID relationship)
  • Select the field “Won” from the Select Field(s) picklist
  • Click on Add Selected
  • Notice the field populated within the Added Field(s) picklist
  • See the screenshot on the next page for the result of these steps

Query Panel Wizard

*Note: As you may know, we already had the “Drill Up” feature that allowed and filter fields to be added from Parent Objects.

Quick Link to Query Panel Wizard

When you are on the Grid and select an object that does not have a Query Panel defined, we have added a quick link to take you to the Query Panel Wizard for the selected object.

Query Panel Quick Link

Grid Templates – Save Sorting & column filters with the template

The Grid Templates used to only store Fields, Groupings, Summaries, and Splits. We have added the ability to save Sorting and Filtering. This will allow users to become more granular with their templates.

Lookup Field Search Improvement

When editing a lookup field in form mode, if you have entered a few letters on the field and click on the search icon the Grid will  search automatically for any values entered on the form.

An example use case would be to change the owner of an Account in Form Mode:

  • Edit an Account in Form Mode
  • Remove the owner and type in the first 3 characters of your first name
  • Click on the lookup search icon
  • You will notice the characters typed have populated the name field and the results of that search are displayed

“Select an Object” Default and Options on the Grid

In order to make it easier to find the object you are looking for with the Grid, we have added a few new features to the “Select an Object” picklist.

  • We currently default the picklist to a restricted list of Standard and Custom objects only
  • To access additional objects you can select the “Show All Objects” checkbox
  • To access Feed, Share, Tag, and History objects, select the “Include Feeds, Shares, Tags and History”

Select and Object

miniGRID Specific Updates

There are no miniGRID specific updates for the Summer 15 Release.

DataLoader Specific Updates

Application Created for the Data Loader – Including a Support Tab

To allow the Grid and Data Loader to be easily accessed, we have created an Application to access Grid/Data Loader specific tabs.

We have also included a tab for Grid Support and Data Loader Support and added new logos (which will be seen in the Tab menu).

Grid Application:

Grid App

Potential Customization Updates

In this section we will describe in detail how to update any Grid/miniGRID customizations that may be within your Salesforce Org.

New Grid App (removing from Profiles)

Part of our package now contains the Grid Application. If you do not what your users to see the complete Grid application you can hide the application by Profile. To do this:

  • Click Setup–>Create–>Apps
  • Select the Grid App
  • Click Edit
  • Scroll down to the “Assign to Profiles” area
  • Unselect for any profile you would like this to be removed

Default Object Selection

If you have any customizations that include Default Object Selection (this would be a custom Visualforce page that loads the Grid page with a specific object only), you will have to add code to remove the new Select an Object toolbar.

The line of code is: hideObjectSelector = function(){ return true; }

An example of a custom page with the code added is below – this page defaults the Grid to load the Opportunity object and hide the toolbar:

<apex:page sidebar=”false”>
<PowerGrid:PowerGrid />
// Configero code to restrict to one object type using Javascript
       getDefaultObject = function() {
           return ‘Opportunity’; }
           hideObjectSelector = function(){ return true; }

Bug Fixes

Case Grid Error

On the standard Case object, there was a bug where a Syntax Error was caught during a search of all cases. This has been addressed