Another Dreamforce has come and gone and this year was the biggest, most impressive show yet. Besides the number of people reaching an all-time high, the amount of sessions exploded as well, which included almost two full days of community-led sessions.
By: Jared Miller (@jaredemiller)
Another Dreamforce has come and gone and this year was the biggest, most impressive show yet. Besides the number of people reaching an all-time high, the amount of sessions exploded as well, which included almost two full days of community-led sessions.
I had the opportunity to present at two community-led sessions: “What NOT to do as a Salesforce Administrator” and “Become a Formula Ninja.” It’s always great to share best practices, Salesforce tips, and lessons learned with fellow users and evangelists of the Salesforce community.
“Become a Formula Ninja” is a community favorite. This is probably the most posted topic across answers and even the #askforce tag on twitter. Being the most popular topic, I was able to present with some Answers All-Stars: Steve Molis (@SteveMoForce), Mark Passovoy (@markpassovoy), and Francis Pindar (@radnip). These guys are not only some of the smartest formula people I know, but they are a fantastic group to work with.
We decided to go with a theme for this presentation. We wanted to show how users can use and leverage formulas to think outside of the box to solve business issues.
In my slides, I focused on three key areas:
- How to use the ABS function in a Validation Rule in a plus/minus date situation
- Using the LEN function to improve data quality (instead of ISNULL or ISBLANK)
- Some of my favorite tips
Check out the presentation below and click here to download the slides on slideshare. If you have any questions regarding these topics, or would like to learn more, don’t hesitate to reach out to me via twitter @jaredemiller or on the Dreamforce Chatter app in Salesforce @Jared Miller. Also, be sure to check back for the recap of “What NOT to do as a Salesforce Admin!”